Digital Repose User Gallery: View Artwork
Welcome to the Digital Repose User Gallery. View these images at your own discretion and risk. While Digital Repose tries to monitor the images and delete any inappropriate submissions, some may still seem offensive to some viewers. All images are copyright to their respective artists and should not be used for anything but wallpaper without permission from their author. Digital Repose takes no responsibility for these images. If you find one of your images has been falsely displayed in here by someone else claiming to have made that image, kindly notify me here and I will deal with the issue as soon as possible.

Everyone is more than welcome to submit an image to the user gallery, but you must follow submission guidelines and you must have the image hosted on your own server. No images hosted on free servers that do not allow external linking.

[ Submit Art ]

Artist: David Robinson
Website: Welcome to Bambam131's Bryce s
Image Name: Jupiter (Part2)
Image Size: 1186X889 244KB

Rating: 0.00

Votes: 498

Programs Used: Bryce5/Universe/Photoshop

Comments: Jupiter (Part2) This is the second in a series showing different views of Jupiter, either from space or one of its moons. In this picture the rings around Jupiter are slightly more visible. The image was created in Bryce using 5 different spheres with planets maps obtain from JPL/NASA. The ring for Jupiter was created in Bryce using a flat cylinder with a texture that I created for the rings. The starfield was created in Universe after the image was rendered in Bryce. All other post work done in Photoshop. Thanks for viewing. Cheers, David

Artist: Joe Price
Image Name: Traversing the Andes
Image Size: 1280x960

Rating: 0.00

Votes: 497

Programs Used: Terragen, Photoshop

Comments: I wanted to create a dense rainforest landscape scene with this image. If you would like to see similar images, check out my website -

Artist: Josiah Munsey
Website: Munchy Graphics
Image Name: Sweep Room
Image Size: 960x720

Rating: 0.00

Votes: 496

Programs Used: Bryce 4


Artist: Joe Price
Image Name: Fjordland from Above
Image Size: 1280x960

Rating: 0.00

Votes: 494

Programs Used: Terragen

Comments: This is an arial view of a Fjordlands 3D scene I have previously created. Inspired by visiting the spectacular fjords of New Zealand

Artist: Ron Pfister
Website: Imagination Magic
Image Name: Jules
Image Size: 600x800

Rating: 0.00

Votes: 496

Programs Used: Cinema4D

Comments: Shave and Hair Cut was also used to create the braids.

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